Day trip to Ähtäri & Keskisen kyläkauppa

lör 5.10 kl. 9.00

Muu tila

Welcome to join us for a fun daytrip to the Zoo!

Going by private bus from Vaasa
- 4 h strolling around the Ähtäri Zoo
- Bring/buy your own lunch and dinner
- Visting the biggest department store in Finland, Keskisen kyläkauppa

Leaving 9 am, returning 8 pm. More detailed information per email, for everyone who signs up.

The Day Trip fee includes bus rides & entrance to the Zoo.
Adult: 50 €, Students: 40 €, Children: 30 €

P.S. The trip is drug- and alcohol free. D.S.

Sign up here:
  • Barn och familj Barn och familj
  • Unga Unga
  • Vuxna Vuxna

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Vasa svenska församling